Japan’s greatest export today: stability
Japan is well-known for its stability. Placing more value on collective and long-term wellbeing will better serve Japan as it navigates global changes.
Makiko held a number of leadership positions in marketing and sales at Intel Corporation in Japan and Asia Pacific region. After serving as president and representative director of Intel Japan for five years, she assumed her current post in April 2018. Makiko has also been serving on the committee for the promotion of regulatory reform by the Japanese government from 2016. A graduate of Waseda University, she holds a master’s degree in sociology from Arkansas State University in the United States.
Japan is well-known for its stability. Placing more value on collective and long-term wellbeing will better serve Japan as it navigates global changes.
Japan is the lowest-ranking of the G7 countries for gender equality, according to the Gender Gap Index. What progress is being made on diversity and what more can be done?
In Japan the concept of well-being has expanded from a personal state of happiness to an inclusive shift in the way society and the wider economy operates.
世界で最も急速に高齢化が進む日本では、若年層の将来に対する信頼を取り戻すことが急務となっています。 日本は、経済的にも社会的にも、悪循環に陥っています。過去30年にわたる経済成長の停滞によって賃金は低下し、幾度の政策転換にもかかわらず、若年層は家庭を持つことに十分な自信を持つことができないままです。
For a brighter future, Japan must invest in youth, generate good jobs and ensure healthy and productive longevity for the world's fastest-aging population.
The Japanese government's recent equality roadmap will encourage changes for women at boardroom level. This is good news for the gender gap, but there is still some way to go.
The business culture in Japan has been resistant to change, with a preference for seniority and lifelong employment and a lack of gender parity.
COVID-19 affected women's economic opportunities more than men's. In Japan, this is especially pronounced. Here are three ways to address the gender gap.